Reviewer: Kyle Johnson from Pasadena, CA

It definitely gives me a boost, and for an ectomorph like me I dig the extra carbs it includes relative to other protein shakes. However, it's sugar substitute (something similar to sucralose I think) and water instead of milk based liquid seems to give me diarrhea later in the day without fail! I tried it a few times years ago, and same result today.
It is NOT a painful diarrhea, just a watery poop but when it arrives - in one hour or up to 6 hours- it arrives with a sense of urgency! You do not wanna be stuck in traffic when this bad boy arrives. It's a short, painless but annoying several yucky trips to the toilet when I drink this.
Reviewer: Dr. Jeckyll from Fairfax, VA USA

The drink is for the most part, great. You will definitely notice a HUGE difference in the amount of time it takes for your body to recover (aka not being sore in the morning) this drink not only helped me put on mass much quicker than I had been previously, but also allowed me to function much better the day after an intense workout. Only problem that I ever had with it was that even with all the carbs and the wpi you still get hungry a few hours later, even though this contains the nutrition of an entire meal. So just be careful depending on your metabolism if you want to stay cut, on eating after having one of these.
Reviewer: Sean M. from USA

This product sustains me (post workout) until I can get home and eat a real meal. I love the grape flavor, it doesn't upset my stomach, and feeds my tired muscles "whey protein isolate", which is a quality protein source for recovery as well as an immune system booster. Lets face it, your body is pretty torn down after an intense session of pumping iron. I only use this product minutes after working out, and it works for me.
Reviewer: Tacos from AZ

very ignorant post above......this is for recovery not to have a "pump" for 3 days...I feel much less sore the next morning after I drink one post workout....
Reviewer: TM from New Jersey, USA

Years ago, I used to use an ABB supplement called Critical Mass. It was great...after lifting, the pump would last for up to 3 days. The only problem I had with it was the diarrhea it caused. Within an hour of drinking it was coming.
Critical Mass was replaced by Mass Recovery. ABB changed the formula which is much easier on the digestive system (no more diarrhea) but there is no more long lasting pump. It also tastes better but that's the only other improvement I can think of.