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Zone Perfect Bar Reviews

Index > Zone Perfect Diet > Zone perfect Nutrition Bar Reviews

ZonePerfect Nutrition Bars are the easiest, most convenient way to enter the Zone. Balanced with the correct combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat, the bars trigger the burning of stored body fat for the next four to six hours. In addition, ZonePerfect Nutrition Bars are fortified with 19 critical vitamins and minerals as well as the unique Omega-3 essential fatty acid EPA, which is found only in coldwater fish.

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Zone Perfect Bar User Reviews
Avg. Customer Review (2.9 Stars):
Number of Reviews: 40

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So NO! to fractionated palm kernel oil October 25, 2011
Reviewer: William N. Leifer, M.D. from Wakarusa, KS

I am a retired physician and a Zone advocate for over a decade. However, I noticed that these bars contain fractionated palm kernel oil. This is by far the worst of all the saturated fats in terms of causing atherosclerosis, and these are supposed to be "healthy". If you are interested in avoiding hardening of the arteries DO NOT BUY OR EAT THESE BARS. They put this in for the texture and palatability and stability of chocolate coatings and icings. But they certainly do not put this in for your health.

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Much tastier than most other bars on the market. January 03, 2011
Reviewer: Kooba from IL

Periodically I will buy Zone bars for their nutritional value AND their taste. I prefer the Zone bar above other protein bars. I wanted my husband to give them a try. He has an anaphylactic allergic reaction to any type of nut. I picked up the Cinnamon Roll for him since there were no nuts in the title. Before he indulged in a bar, we read the ingredients and sure enough-almonds. Is there a Zone bar without nuts?

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smaller but wonderful! October 05, 2010
Reviewer: Kohly from IL

I just wanted to back up Jim from Usa's observation....yes indeed they have gotten smaller. The calories used to be listed over 200 now they are under (at least on the one's i get) The cookie Dough tastes just like it came out of the pilsbury isle! I like the dark chocolate/strawberry too!!!

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A wonderful product - RUINED!! June 20, 2010
Reviewer: Anonymous from Anytown, AT 55555

I was a faithful consumer of the Strawberry Yogurt Zone Perfect bar. I do not like chocolate, so I was thrilled a few years ago to discover Zone Perfect Starwberry. It tasted great and I felt that I was adding great nutrition to my diet. I just bought a box of the new Fruitified bar. It is horrible! There is no taste. The texture is gritty. I am going to see if I can return the remainder of the box and I will never purchase this product again.

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Are they getting smaller? June 09, 2010
Reviewer: Jim from USA

My wife and I like the Zone Bars, she gets the dark chocolate ones, and I prefer the caramel. However, I have noticed, perhaps imagined, that they are getting smaller. Has anyone else noticed this?

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GREAT SNACK May 23, 2010
Reviewer: SEAN MAC from USA


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Amazing! May 07, 2010
Reviewer: Jay M from Bergen County, NJ

Those of you that are complaining should try the Double Dark Chocolate Bars. They are simply amazing. I find myself craving them as much as I would a piece of high quality chocolate. They work great as a meal supplement. I also take them an hour before running and weight-training and I sustain great energy through my work-outs.

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Quit Changing the Recipe April 12, 2010
Reviewer: A Evensen from Oregon

The new "Classic" Fudge Graham bars are not what they used to be. This is at least the 4th change and this one was NOT for the better.

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Horrible! February 02, 2010
Reviewer: DEB from Greenvill, SC

Ok, so they are convenient to grab and go, but the taste is horrible. I could barely finish the first one, let alone the entire box I purchased. They are dry, too much fake sugary taste and I can't stand the kripsie crunch that all the bars seem to have in them. I prefer smooth tasting, mouth watering protein bars. I will never purchase again.

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Pharmaceutical Co RUINED my drug of choice January 03, 2010
Reviewer: Di from New York

Zone Perfect Fudge Graham bars were so good (BETTER than Snickers,if you must compare) and they all were really good. I got addicted to them and would buy 20 a week so we could have at least one every day. In between I eat light meals and have stayed in good shape. Now they changed the recipe so that they will taste God awful. Who DOES that? Why would you mess with something that was so good? seems more like they added something so gross you barely recognize what it was. Bring the old recipe back or I'll switch to another brand. Oh and hey do NOT do this to the dark chocolate bar recipes. I beg you. No amount of good health is worth that. You have destroyed a masterpiece.

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Big disappointment December 15, 2009
Reviewer: R MacPherson from Winnipeg, MB Canada

I had previously enjoyed the Zone Perfect bars, as they had a good taste and a nice texture, but the last package of 14 I bought in November 2009 was very disappointing to say the least. The package I bought supposedly had bars with 4 flavours. In fact, all the flavours tasted pretty much the same and all were absolutely disgusting. Taste and texture were both extremely unpleasant. I have tried numerous nutritional bars over the years but never anything as tasteless and off-putting as these Zone Perfect bars. In their present form, I will never buy them again.

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Dr. Sears sold only name not recipes June 03, 2009
Reviewer: Lori from Mechanicsburg, PA

I really like all of the Zone Bars, what I have heard is Dr. Sears sold only the name to Abbott and not the recipes, he sold them to Hershey. Anyone hear of this before? So Abbott pretty much has carte blance to do with what they want to the bars if this is true.

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One of the Best Tasting NutritionBars!!! January 16, 2009
Reviewer: Bob from Chicago, IL

I have been on the eat 6 times daily diet and these Zone bars are really good. I didn't try them by the old brand, but I think the fruitified ones taste good (f.e Banana Nut). I don't know what a lot of you expect out of these things...Go and try a power bar and let me know how a zone bar compares to that....I think they are great as a snack throughout the day!!!

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Fruities are good July 22, 2008
Reviewer: Al from Santa Fe

Just tried a 'Fruitiful' bar following have read all the negative things about them; had the banana-nut. GOOD! Not 'GREAT!' but I use the bars, not as candy, but as emergency rations when out in the mountains. They're tasty, don't freeze solid when the temperature is close to zero, don't melt excessively when the temps are 85+ and are tasty - also supply me with lots of needed nutrition. Really don't know what all the negative things are/were all about in the other reviews. Still, I like the Choc. Mint best. I'll take some of these with me when I do the 26.2 2009 Bataan Death March Memorial in White Sands.

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Great Choc/mint April 30, 2008
Reviewer: Santa Fe Al from Santa FE, New Mexico, USA

I've read the other reviews here and have never tasted the fruity bars - always my thought that all 'artificial flavour' tasted 'artificial' and so avoid all fruit-flavoured food but, having said that, I always take a handful of Zone Perfect with me when I'm hiking in the mountains. I've always bought the Chocolate/Mint bars and find them easy to get down when I'm looking for energy and protein - when I'm a long way from civilisation and simply need nutrients. They're crunchy with only a bit of mint.

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mr.w. April 20, 2008
Reviewer: Anonymous from Anytown, AT 55555

I think they are great. i buy them at costco 24 for 12$, and i get 12 choc. peanut butter and 12 graham fudge stuff. it is good, and i like them better than some candy

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Response to March 01, 2008
Reviewer: Former fan of Zone Bars from USA


What "everone is freaking out about" is that these bars did taste good. They tasted VERY GOOD! Some flavors tasted so good, that they almost did taste like a candy bar. That is, they did, until the entire line was sold to Abbot Pharmaceuticals, ultimately winding up in their Ross nutritionals line. It was here that the formula was changed (yet again) resulting in the horrible tasting mess they are today. Those of us complaining aren't "waiting for someone to say that Snickers is (sic) good for you." We are merely lamenting the death of a wonderful product at the hands of people who obviously didn't care about the loyal following this brand had attained.

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NEW is not good!!! January 26, 2008
Reviewer: Anonymous from Oakland, CA

The new Fruitfied bars are horrible!!!! I keep hunting high and low for the OLD Orange Cranberry Crunch Zone bars. They were the best on the market and the staple of my diet! I keep wondering who the taste testers were and how hungry THEY must've been!!!!

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Orange Cranberry Fruitified Bars January 25, 2008
Reviewer: Lori from LA

My husband and I dislike the new "fruitified version" they're horrible!I've been looking everywhere for the old version!

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New "Fruitified" Orange Cranberry Zone Bar January 01, 2008
Reviewer: Bruce Hunter, M.D. from Ogden, Utah, USA

I finally found a nutrition bar that actually tasted good, then some "genius" at Ross Labs decided to change all that. The new "fruitified" orange cranberry bar is plain awful. It tastes more like sawdust than anything else. This is a clear case of "if it isn't broken, don't fix it." I long for the old bars and wish the folks at Ross would admit their mistake and give us back good tasting bars!

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Love Them December 28, 2007
Reviewer: BNS from TN

I just got hooked on the Zone perfect bars this year...I love the strawberry ones. has a great taste to it and it doesnt leave an after taste like most do...

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Quit bashing the Zone Bars. October 31, 2007
Reviewer: Perfectbod from MO

I'm not sure what everyone is freaking out about. there aren't a lot of nutritional bars that DO taste good. These people are just waiting for someone to say that Snickers is good for you.

I like them all.

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"New" Orange Cranberry Crunch is awful! October 25, 2007
Reviewer: Glenda from Atlanta

I don't know who got the bright idea to change the coating and or size, but they should have turned that lightbulb off! The latest bars are awful. I bought two boxes and was stuck. I will not purchase these again. Taste like saw dust! If I could rate it -0 I would!

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GRAHM BAR June 26, 2007
Reviewer: Lk from SoCal

I can't believe that there is a review site like this. But wow, do I need it. After eating the bars - mainly the Fudge Grahm for years, I find the new Grahm Fudge formula is the absolute worse tasting thing to pass my lips. Terrible taste and texture. I have complained using the 800# a few times and they did replace one bar and said that they sent me a check for the others.

Hope that they wake up.

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Ruined a good product June 20, 2007
Reviewer: LAprGuy from LA, CA

Save those receipts: ZONE is offering a money-back guarantee on its new bars. You'll want your money back: They taste HORRIBLE.

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When did the formulation change? June 20, 2007
Reviewer: Kk from USA

We've been living on Zone bars for quite a while. We apparently haven't gotten any of the

"new" bars. When did the formulation change?

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So Much Better Than The Old Ones! June 15, 2007
Reviewer: Jen from Rhode Island

I use to eat zone bars back in 2000-2001 and they have improved the texture and flavor 1000%

My favorites are the peanut butter, mint, coconut, and caramel. I am so glad I tried them again!

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Zone Perfect no longer "in the zone!" June 12, 2007
Reviewer: Palwine from midatlantic

Abbott Labs "new and improved" version of zone perfect bars are no longer 40-30-30. I called the 800 number and they verified this.

Basically, it was a biz decision to make them more affordable and better compete with Snickers and other well marketed candy bars pretending to be healthy.

If you want the real deal you must pay for it- check out Dr. Sears new products: . This is the only place to get the real deal anymore.

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new bars are just gross and not healthy June 04, 2007
Reviewer: Dave from montclair, nj

i have to echo the comments here that the new and improved bars are anything but new & improved. i lived on these bars for years. I was probably one of their best customers. they took what was once my favorite snack, and ruined it to the point of being inedible. the ingredients are not in the zone anymore either. what a shame. they need to fire the r&d staff immediately. GIVE ME BACK MY OLD ZONE BARS!!!

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Bad new zone bars June 01, 2007
Reviewer: Joanna from San Diego, CA USA

There is something wrong with the new zone bars. Since they taste stale to me, it would be really nice to see them go back to how they use to be. I use to eat like two a day, now I only buy balance bars.

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The NEW IMPROVED Zone bars taste HORRIBLE!!! June 01, 2007
Reviewer: Scott from Oklahoma, USA

I, too, have been eating Zone bars for several years. My favorite flavor has changed several times, but my current favorite WAS chocolate caramel cluster. Unfortunately, I discovered what so many have already noted, the new formula tastes horrible! I have just finished the last of my personal stash, so today is a dark day indeed. I called the company and they have said the original formula is no longer available, even from them. What a shame.

Do these people not go to business school? Has everyone already forgot the lesson of New Coke? No one is saying they shouldn't introduce new products, but to REPLACE existing products with a VERY loyal following with a CLEARLY INFERIOR product is lunacy.

No doubt, when sales begin to slacken, it will be blamed on market forces beyond their control. It won't occur to anyone that the new formula could be to blame.

I have also called the company a couple of months ago to complain about the new formula and encourage everyone to do so as well. Their customer service people are very professional and took my concerns seriously. Let's let them know what we think!!

P.S. This site requires a rating to post the review. The original formula would have gotten a five star rating but the new formula would have gotten a ZERO!

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Not nearly as good May 23, 2007
Reviewer: Zibby from Buffalo Grove, IL

I agree with everyone son & I have lived on these bars for breakfast for the past several months...hate the new ones! Fake tasting...I've just run out of my "stash", and I can't find the old formula any where. HELP!

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Reviewer: Hungry in NYC from NYC

I agree with the other posters. As a law student, I relied on the chocolate peanut butter zone perfect bars as convenient and delicious way to get necessary vitamins and protein, and to keep me full throughout the day. I typically had one for breakfast and one for lunch. When I got my latest bulk order the “new and improved” bars arrived. Absolutely wretched. I called customer service, asked if there was any way I could order old stock...nothing. Does anyone have a suggestion for a replacement? I have been hoarding the old bars from various bodegas around NYC, but the supply is drying up-

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New Zone Bars not up to Par with original April 23, 2007
Reviewer: Sheilah from Seattle WA USA

The new, improved Zone Perfect bars are hard, gritty, the coating easily melts and neither quality or taste is as good as the original. Ideally Zone would reissue the original bars, especially Choc. Peanut Butter, as an alternative to this new "not so improved" version. Have eaten the originals for yrs, and provided them as ideal snacks to youth. Even the kids hate the new ones -- too hard. Flavor, texture and quality were compromised in new bar. This was a great product when it was the original.

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The Zone Perfect Bar now has High Fructose Corn Syrup! March 26, 2007
Reviewer: Kimberly from Tampa, FL

I just bought the new 'improved' chocolate peanut butter zone bars. I've bought them for years in bulk at Sams. They are the only bar I've seen without HFCS that tastes great. I eat them and feel good about giving them to my family instead of those 'fruity HFCS' bars for snack. When I bit into the 'new' bar the chocolate was very smooth and the inside 'crunch' was chewy. I knew that 'chewy' generally comes from HFCS - it's cheaper.

I called customer service and explained that HFCS goes against everything the Zone is! Abbott Labratories said they have distanced themselves from The Zone and their affiliation with Dr Sears. They explained that they did add calcium and fiber to the bar. However, if you look at the nutritional info the bar is no longer 40-30-30 and sugar and salt contents have also gone up.

If you're disappointed with the change please call them! Until the old formula comes back, I'm on a quest to find the new perfect protein bar...any suggestions?

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Great Imrovement March 02, 2007
Reviewer: JO from San Diego, CA USA

I think the zone bars have dramatically improved lately. They seem to taste way more natural than before and they illiminated the strange aftertaste that they use to have. I've always eaten zone bars, but I never like the Fudge its my favorite. Yummy new zone bars !!

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Sad but true January 22, 2007
Reviewer: M. Badawy from Lawrence, KS

The new strawberry yogurt was also my favorite until they freakin' changed it. WHY?

The taste is just horrible, and the texture has changed from the crunchy strawberry in-your-face to something that feels like eating hay with glue.Unbelievable!!! I'm writing this while eating out of my last box with the old ones.

Anyone know of an alternative?

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The new zone bar is much different !!! January 01, 2006
Reviewer: Dawson, B from Fresno, CA, USA

I just got the new Strawberry Yogert Zone bar (Used to be my favorite)with a new package and new formula.Now it tastes just horrible and cheap. ZONE BAR HAS CHANGED!!!. It seems like they put all kinds of "natural" chemicals in it and destroyed the taste and the nutrition. I heard that they were bought by a big corporation and the new Zone bar tastes like it. TOO Bad. They had a good product. I used to also buty by ythe carton. No More Zone bar for us. THE NEW ZONE BARS ARE NO LONGER ZONE PERFECT !!!

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Zone Bars have changed !!!! July 31, 2005
Reviewer: Z. Millier from sonoma, CA

I have been a loyal user of Zone bars for years... I just discovered that they have been quietly removing the original formula such as including Omega 2 fatty acids...

What a dishonest move to change the formual and take out such an important ingridient !!! I think Dr. Sears has sold the company to some marketing company who is only interested in maximizing profits... That would be OK if they make it clear...

I used to buy that stuf by the cartons...Now, I am going to return what I have left... I am also considering a formal complaint to the company...

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Great taste/texture ...filling January 03, 2005
Reviewer: Chuck from Dallas

My fav so far is the fudge graham, the chocolate/peanut is good too.. as is the strawberry yogurt.

I like the 'no brainer' aspect and eat one before and after a workout along with a half bottle of the readymade Isopure whey protein.

Very filling, very good on taste/texture - does not feel like eating a 'diet bar' at all.

Oh... soy farts, keep a candle lit.

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